Get to Know Us Constitution


IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD; We the members of Ghana First Platform (GFP), hereafter called the Ghana First Coalition

IN EMPATHY with and loyalty to our fellow compatriots, in the hope that we may by our actions this day help to further the development of a peaceful, prosperous democratic and economically developed Ghana and

IN EXERCISE of our natural and inalienable right to establish a framework of government which shall secure for ourselves and posterity the blessing of liberty, equality of opportunity and prosperity:

IN A SPIRIT of friendship, unity and peace with all peoples of the world; AND IN SOLEMN declaration and affirmation of our commitment to; Freedom, Justice, Probity and Accountability; The Principle of Universal Adult Suffrage; The Rule of Law; Motto: Ghana First, Coalition for Reform 2 The protection and preservation of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedom, Unity and Stability for our Nation;


This given birth to this 17th day of August 2020 by the registered Ghana First Platform (hereinafter referred to as the Association) who have freely decided to enact this Constitution.

The Provisions herein agreed to are effective from the 17th August, 2020, for the All persons of independent persuasion, Civil Society Organisations, Independent Presidential/Parliamentary Aspirants, Political Activist Groups, and Individuals that have given their signatures to it who are covered by this Constitution.

In furtherance of its purpose, the Ghana First Platform has adopted the People's Charter1 as the binding charter for all members. All groups that officially seek membership of the GFP must sign unto the People's Charter and adhere to its principles, objectives and goals as the guiding framework and mechanisms for collective advocacy and campaign in form of a coalition.

ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of the Association of Independent thinkers, Independent Aspirants, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Political Activist Groups, and Individuals shall be called Ghana First Platform, abbreviated as GFP.

(A): PURPOSE It is the intention of GFP that this Constitution shall promote and improve the relations between Independent political thinkers, non-partisan political activists, Independent Presidential/Parliamentary Aspirants and Associate Member organizations so as to consolidate their collective efforts into a united front, that shall function as a political coalition to seek a mandate to implement the objectives of the People's Charter.

The said united front shall be called the Ghana First Coalition for 3 Reform. The GFP shall represent the said groups under the overarching federation of Ghana First Coalition for Reform and engage with Ghana’s Electoral Commission to ensure equity in the discharges of its responsibilities of promoting democracy for good governance in Ghana, especially during the electoral process.

(B): VISION A nation that delivers prosperity for transformed lives of all citizens of Ghana to enjoy decent living standards for a happy life. The GFP envisions prosperity for all ad not a few.

(C): MISSION Mobilizing and galvanizing a united front that facilitates a more effective campaign by Independent thinkers, their allies and their candidates to win a mandate to govern and / or influence others to govern in accordance with the commitments undertaken as a social contract with citizens of Ghana in the People’s Charter. 


 1. To bring together Independent thinkers, Civil Society Organizations,Independent non-partisan political pressure groups and Independent Presidential/Parliamentary Aspirants in Ghana to form one united force to pursue the key constitutional and policy reforms that will help transform
Ghana’s system for governance, economy and social reconstruction. The association may act on behalf of any member or the whole to independently pursue their political objectives and to protect their Political, Legal and Constitutional rights under the laws of Ghana.

2. To serve as one UNITED FORCE within the framework of an overarching federation of groups and organizations in a coalition to pursue, uphold and defend the human, civil, legal, constitutional and economic rights of citizens as  outlined in the goals and objectives of fundamental reforms proposed for Ghana's 1992 constitution in the People's Charter.

3. To collaborate with the National Peace Council, Traditional Councils. Religious organizations and other Civil Society Organizations to champion the national interest for a more inclusive and peaceful society in Ghana.

4. To protect the dignity of all cultural traditions in Ghana and ensure freedom of worship as guaranteed in the constitution; and to protect entrepreneurs, their businesses and families from harm due to deliberate politically motivated persecution as a means of coercion, intimidation or retribution for their independent stance on political issues that are in the National Interest.

5. The association (GFP) shall serve as the focal overarching organ for formulation of a coalition campaign strategy, oversight of campaignoperations, and mobilization of funds for all members of the Ghana First coalition (including organizations in political pacts with GFP) and / or, their parliamentary and Presidential aspirants that are formally endorsed as
Independent Parliamentary Candidates and / or the Alternative Independent Presidential Candidate, subject to their successful registration with the Electoral Commission in Ghana to participate in any general election or bye elections.

6. To contend for recognition and proper representation of all members that are Independent Aspirants in connection with national issues which concern and affect the wellbeing of GFP and attainment of its agenda for reform.

7. To collaborate with any agencies and non-governmental organizations that have shared objectives to ensure representation of the Ghana First Coalition's Independent Presidential Candidate, his/her Vice Presidential Candidate and  the Ghana First Coalition’s Independent Parliamentary Aspirants in national and community debates during national general elections.

8. To issue press releases, organize conferences, seminars and campaigns that mount pressure on both the major opposition and ruling Government of the day to cooperate and set an agenda to implement the proposed reforms of the People's charter intended to provide improved governance that resets Ghana on a path of prosperity for all and not a few, for the common good of Ghana

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